Apple opened its first company-run store in India in Mumbai and Delhi, and Samsung launched the Galaxy M14 5G. Among other tech news this week, HP’s latest Pavilion notebook series was launched in India and Twitter has begun removing blue ticks from users who have not paid for Twitter Blue plans. Moreover, tech gaint Apple opened its first retail store in Mumbai followed by Delhi.
Apple opened its first retail store in Mumbai, located at the Jio World Centre in BKC. The flagship store is followed by the opening of a second store in New Delhi's Saket, highlighting India's growing significance as a market for Apple.
Also Read:How is India's first Apple Store different from authorised resellers
Samsung Galaxy M14 5G
Samsung has launched its latest smartphone, the Galaxy M14 5G, on Monday, which will be available for sale on Amazon, Samsung's official website and select retail stores.
The smartphone features a 6.6-inch FHD+ LCD display with a 90Hz refresh rate, an Exynos 1330 processor, up to 12GB RAM, a 50 MP triple camera setup, a 13 MP selfie shooter and a 6000 mAh battery with 25W fast charging support. The Galaxy M14 5G runs on One UI 5.1 Core based on Android 13 and comes in three colours. Samsung has announced an introductory offer for the smartphone, with prices starting from Rs 13,490.
Twitter blue tick removal
Twitter has started removing blue ticks from users who have not yet paid for Twitter Blue plans. CEO Elon Musk had tweeted that all users who are yet to pay will lose their verified blue badges starting April 20.
Dell Technologies PowerEdge server portfolio
Dell Technologies has unveiled 13 new servers to its PowerEdge portfolio, featuring 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors and Dell software and engineering advancements. The range includes tower, rack, and multi-node servers that are optimised for various IT environments, including large-scale public clouds, core data centres, and edge locations.
The PowerEdge servers are designed to enhance performance and reliability and support demanding workloads such as AI and analytics, and large-scale databases and offer improved performance, energy and cost efficiency. Additionally, the servers include NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs and the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software suite for full-stack production AI platforms.
HP Pavilion notebook series
HP unveiled its latest Pavilion notebook series in India, aimed at Gen Z and millennials. The HP Pavilion Plus 14 features a 14-inch 2.8K OLED display, a 13th Gen Intel Core i5 processor, and up to 16GB RAM with 512GB storage.
The HP Pavilion X360 is a 14-inch FHD IPS multitouch display laptop with 16GB RAM and 1TB storage. The HP Pavilion 14 and 15 are 14-inch FHD IPS and 15.6-inch FHD IPS multitouch display laptops, respectively, with 13th Gen Intel Core i3 processor and up to 16GB RAM. The laptops range in price from Rs 39,999 to Rs 81,999.
FUJIFILM India launched the INSTAX mini 12, an entry-level compact instant film camera, available from April 20, 2023. The mini 12 is an updated version of the popular INSTAX mini 11 and features a fun, balloon-like design and five pastel colors. The camera is available in standalone and combo packs and has a starting price of Rs 9,499.